Thursday, February 5, 2015

Falcon Pro 3, Twitter Client For Android

Android has an abundance of third party Twitter clients. Very few stand out from the rest though, and with Android 5.0 Lollipop, there are just two apps that come to mind that use Lollipop's design. 
This time around, Falcon Pro 3 is in the spot light. If you've ever used Falcon Pro in the past, you know that is was a great app before it reached its token limit that Twitter imposes on third party developers. Now to be fair, this application doesn't follow Material Design to the fullest and, I actually have no issue with that. If all apps looked exactly the same things would just a bit boring and iOS like. 

When it comes to features, there really aren't any that other Twitter apps don't already have. What you get here is; reliability, performance, and a nice design. Like I mentioned above, Falcon Pro 3 doesn't completely follow Material Design but, in color only, if you like the light and bright theme of Lollipop. You have to floating action button, or the FAB, as it is commonly referred to. The animations are all there, you just don't have that nice contrast that is pretty consistent in Lollipop. Over all, you won't be disappointed. 

Now the price of the app. This is where I have a problem, because if you have more than one account, you have to pay to use each account. With a price tag of $3.99 per account, it can get pretty pricey. Joaquim Verges, the developer, say this will help with the token limit issues that plagued his previous application and a few others. My take on that is; I call bull. The token limit Twitter set in place is 100,000 tokens, and when that limit for that specific client is reached, then that is it, no more tokens. 

I personally think the developer is just being a little greedy (I can say that because freedom of speech and this is just a blog ha). Now is the app not worth paying for if you only have one account? Of course it is! The app is really  and performs well.

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